We are happy to announce the 2024 Upward Basketball Season! Here is the link to register your child: https://registration.upward.org/UPW85521 or you can register in person. You can pay by credit card online during registration or by cash or check in person, when you come to the Evaluation.
The dates of the MANDATORY Evaluation sessions are at Prospect Heights Middle School:
November 11th, 10-12pm
November 18th, 10-12pm
December 2nd 9-12pm
Every child registered must attend one of these sessions.Unlike in the past, if your child doesn’t register and attend an Evaluation, they will not be able to play. This will aid in fair and balanced teams. Our main focus this year is a Girls’ Middle School Division. We need 28 girls to make that dream a reality.Cost is $90. There is an early registration discount of $10 if you sign up in the next week. We also offer a discount for multi-kid families (an additional $5 for each kid).We want everyone to play to play so we have paired with the Office on Youth for scholarships through their Michael’s Gift program. See you soon!!!!!!!