Orange Baptist Church is all about some Good News!
God loves us!
God’s love for us moved him to send Jesus into our world to teach and demonstrate what wholesome community looks like. Jesus taught that community was about the hungry being fed, the prisoner being visited, offering water to the thirsty. He talked about turning the other cheek, loving your enemies, forgiving one another over and over and over. Jesus called God’s kind of community “the kingdom of God.”
Jesus ran up against a kind of world that practices a very different way of life—one where humans believe there is not enough to go around, that we must hate anyone not like us, that we cannot trust, and we must fear the unknown. Jesus challenged this false way of living with his bold life that fleshed out grace, healing, forgiveness, abundant living, and joy.
This world tried to snuff that Good News!
Jesus was crucified. But the Good News was let loose again. He was raised from the dead by the power of God ensuring that his vision for community was not dead and is still alive. That’s Good News!
The ordinary people at Orange Baptist Church are all about our extraordinary God, and about partnering with him to bring the kingdom of God to this good earth.