Come and enjoy the 6th Annual EASTER EGG DROP on April 9, 11am-2pm. Children (and adults, too) will be delighted as thousands of eggs drop from the sky!!!! The Egg Drop activities are FREE and there is NO REGISTRATION. All are welcome! After the eggs drop and the helicopter is out of view, the children will be allowed to begin their egg hunt. The eggs they collect will be traded in for a bag full of candy! The EGG DROP will take place around Noon.
Participation ages: Birth-12 yrs old. Infants through 2 year olds will have a special roped off egg hunt area from 11am-2pm and they can redeem their eggs for a gift as well. Plan to stay for a while and enjoy all that is offered.
The event will also include…FOOD TRUCKS, HAYRIDES, LIVE MUSIC, BOUNCY HOUSES, EASTER-themed GAMES, and a presentation of the EASTER STORY! It will be a day of egg-stravagant FUN for your WHOLE family!